Earth First! 7, no. 3
activism, anarchism, journalism, conservation, deforestation, political ecology, resistance, wildernessAbstract
Foreman, Dave, et al., eds., Earth First! 7, no. 3 (2 February 1987). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
In this issue of Earth First!, David Cross brings positive news from the Sinkyone Wilderness, Mike Bader calls for attention to the oil well plans in “America’s Serengeti,” the Rocky Mountain Front, George Wuerthner reports from the conference “Beyond Boundaries: Saving Whole Ecosystems,” and Reed Noss writes an open letter to the Fish & Wildlife Service regarding the Florida panther.
"Certainly an extreme problem demands an extreme solution. The panther cannot afford the luxury of more research on its health, genetics, prey base, habitat, and its reintroduction program without concomitant, radical changes in land use in the last few areas where it survives."
— Reed Noss
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